Production blog: Conflicts between our group
Hey there everybody! Welcome back, it is a new day and it is time for a new blog! For today's blog, I want to talk about some conflicts my. group faced during the process of filming. You might think because we are all friends we all got along through filming and coordinating things, but oh no, let me tell you, there were some pretty rough conflicts but in the end, everything came together, and remembered that this project is for fun and to not be so serious about it. One of the conflicts my team faced which I would not be surprised other teams also faced was the creative difference between the group members, reaching an understanding of the project's direction might be challenging when group members have divergent creative perspectives, everyone wanted their ideas to be heard and to be used but if that happened the project would have become a mess with everything being complicated and all over the place. This at some point resulted in disagreements and inattention within the g...