Production blog: Let's talk about out theme!!

    Hello there! It is time for a new blog! Today I want to talk about the process the team and I had to go through to decide on what theme the film was going to be, each of us could input different themes and the one with the most votes is what will be done. After a while, five themes were chosen, these themes were comedy, mystery, friendship, thriller, and lastly, action, after a bit the team and I narrowed it down to two themes, and those themes were thriller and mystery, many would say they are pretty much the same but they are so very wrong. In a mystery movie, the main character usually has to figure out a conundrum or an offense. Compared to a thriller, the tone is usually slower and more reflective, with a greater focus on creating suspense via the conversation, setting, and development of characters. The main character's mission is to discover the truth and identify the offender. A thriller film's main focus is usually its compelling plot, which frequently combines aspects of action, danger, and excitement. Compared to a mystery, the tone is usually quicker-paced, more passionate, and has more of a focus on creating tension. The protagonist's main objective is frequently to survive or achieve a certain objective in the face of peril. Both of these themes were very captivating themes but only one can be chosen so it all came down to making a pros and cons list, and in the end, mystery beat thriller. Compared to thriller films, which frequently feature fast-paced action sequences, mystery films tend to be more dialogue-driven and hence easier to shoot. A reduced cast of actors is common in mystery films, which helps facilitate filming. Compared to the intricate and sometimes non-linear tales found in thriller films, mystery films frequently feature a simpler story structure that is easier to modify to the screen. Mystery films may be shot in shorter amounts of time since they frequently don't require as much special effects or technological know-how. Compared to the action-driven storylines seen in many thriller films, mystery films tend to be more plot-driven, which may assist them to stay more focused and be easier to film. In the end, I am glad we chose the theme of mystery because it gave creative freedom to the possibilities of what the plot could be and how the storyline could be developed. Well, that is it for today, see you guys in the next blog, goodbye for now!


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