
Showing posts from March, 2024

The Fair Game: Final Task for AICE Media Studies


Peer Review Blog

 Hello there everybody! Welcome back to a new blog! This blog is all about the commentary feedback I was given from friends and family members. I have spoken about this topic before in two different blogs if you go back and look for them, they are under re-editing blogs and re-shooting blogs. These two blogs were about people looking at my film and commenting about little mistakes or anything that seemed off in the film that the team and I had to either re-edit or re-shoot. Well in this full blog, I want to summarize everything that some people said about the full film. In my past blogs, when people saw my film, it was either the beginning parts of the film or maybe halfway through the finished project, in this case, I had two other people comment on the actual finished film. Although the editing and the filming process were done, there was still work to do, it is just that the actual filming and editing were the hardest part and the most time-consuming if I say so myself. Any who, whe