Production Blog- Problems and Stepbacks
So hey there! I am back! So there's been a bit of backtracking about filming. It's not too big it's just that scheduling is all over the place but hopefully by the next blog I will be able to write about my first shot. So what am I going to talk about in this blog? Well I am going to talk about one of the scenes that will not need my other teammates, so this scene is about me in my own room texting, I thought this was a good idea when the team and I were developing the scenes for our music video. If in case one day one of the team members was not available to meet in person, like say the camera person, I wouldn't need to freak out because I would have a scene in which I could videotape myself without the need of my teammates to help me. Everyone thought it was a good idea so I incorporated that scene into the music video. In the planning of the video I was going to videotape tape and my teammate, Elizabeth, was going to play the female role in the music video alongside Gabe the male role in the video, but unluckily something happened and she had to leave the group so now there was only three members and not four. With Elizabeth gone from the group, I thought to ask a friend to replace the role of the female, but then it clicked that it would make the scheduling even harder than it already was because the areas the team and I had picked were going to be changed so then it would be fair for her too. I didn't want her to drive for twenty to thirty minutes to get filmed with people she didn't know, so that idea was discarded pretty quickly. After some thought it hit me, I had found the solution to the problem, it was a very obvious solution that would have made more sense if I had thought of it earlier but I guess my common sense was not working. I told the team that I would replace the female role in the video, I am not the most confident in front of cameras and I am very shy but for the sake of this project, I had to be done. So now I was the female role of the music video, I didn't expect things to go this way, Elizabeth leaving was a big step back that I was prepared for because I didn't think in the end I was going to be showing my face in camera but oh well things happen, can't fight the inevitable, am I right? Now, as I said before I was supposed to help in editing the video but because I will be part of the actual video, my teammate Kason, who is the camera man is going to help me with the editing so it is not so much work for me. In the end, there was a solution to our stepback and everyone is on track in filming. I can't wait to blog next time about the first shots, well that is it for now, thanks for reading, and goodbye for now!
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