Re- shooting Blog: Let's talk about filming!

    Hello there! Welcome back, I am very pumped to talk more about my filming experience, like I said in my last blog I had so much fun being able to film and I was very fond of being the cameraman. If I remember correctly I only talked about the things I really liked or enjoyed doing during the filming process but even though it was fun and all it did not mean there were parts of the day I felt awkward or stressed while filming. So in this blog, I want to focus on and talk about the things I disliked while filming. To start one of the things I did not enjoy while filming was the stares that I got while filming, in all honesty, I should have expected it since the team and I filmed in a very public place which was the South Florida Fair. The stares were pretty weird and made me feel uncomfortable but I tried to ignore the people who stared because it was getting really distracting and ruined some scenes because I would start to divert the camera away from the actors and then I would have to retake the whole clip again. Adding on that the team and I filmed in a public area, which caused many problems which then led to refilming so many scenes because people would not look where they were going so they would cut into my teammates while filming and when we were doing stationary filming there was one person which cut into me so they blocked my teammates so the clip had to be discarded and restart filing once again, it was not fun let me tell you that. One last thing I want to say before I end this blog, which also involves the number of people in the fair is that after filming each clip and I played it to show it to my teammates to see if they liked it is that no one could really hear the voices of the actors because I was surrounded by people talking simultaneously, this caused a huge problem but the team and I ended up fixing it but it was still a pretty big step back. I will say it got very irritating and super frustrating many times through this project but those were some obstacles that I faced during filming which did not make the experience so fun but made me feel pretty stressed but it was nothing I could not handle because my teammates and I had the whole day to film so there was no rush. I am glad I got to share my ups and downs about filming, in the next few blogs I will be talking about my experience with editing, so stay tuned, goodbye for now!


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