Hey there everybody! Welcome back, it is a new day and it is time for a new blog! For today's blog, I want to talk about some conflicts my. group faced during the process of filming. You might think because we are all friends we all got along through filming and coordinating things, but oh no, let me tell you, there were some pretty rough conflicts but in the end, everything came together, and remembered that this project is for fun and to not be so serious about it. One of the conflicts my team faced which I would not be surprised other teams also faced was the creative difference between the group members, reaching an understanding of the project's direction might be challenging when group members have divergent creative perspectives, everyone wanted their ideas to be heard and to be used but if that happened the project would have become a mess with everything being complicated and all over the place. This at some point resulted in disagreements and inattention within the g...
Hello there again! It is me! I am so happy I can finally talk about my filming process with everyone, it really has been an awesome journey. This final task has been so much fun to do and I enjoyed it so much, in my opinion, I really liked the filming process of this task. I might be a bit biased since I did most of the filming but it is my journey. So in this blog, I will talk about some things I really liked doing as the designated camera person. When my group started to pick out who was going to do what such as who was going to edit, film, and act, I volunteered to film and I am very happy that I was able to film. I will say that I was not the best filmer in the world but I think all of the shots came out pretty well at the end. I had the choice to use a camera that was provided by the school, my own phone, or one of my teammate's phones to film, although I thought filming with the camera just because it would seem very cool I thought that if I filmed with my own phone it would ...
Hello there! Welcome back, I am very pumped to talk more about my filming experience, like I said in my last blog I had so much fun being able to film and I was very fond of being the cameraman. If I remember correctly I only talked about the things I really liked or enjoyed doing during the filming process but even though it was fun and all it did not mean there were parts of the day I felt awkward or stressed while filming. So in this blog, I want to focus on and talk about the things I disliked while filming. To start one of the things I did not enjoy while filming was the stares that I got while filming, in all honesty, I should have expected it since the team and I filmed in a very public place which was the South Florida Fair. The stares were pretty weird and made me feel uncomfortable but I tried to ignore the people who stared because it was getting really distracting and ruined some scenes because I would start to divert the camera away from the actors and t...
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