Production Blog: Let's get the editing over with!

Hello there, I am back, so this is my last production for this project, but not to fear it won't be my last blog. This last production blog will talk about the finishing touches of the music video, the filming has been done for this music video, and the only thing that is left to do is edit, in my last production blog I talked about the minor stepbacks the team and I had but how it was resolved. In the previous blog, I talked about how I already started editing part of the music video, I will not edit the whole video because that would take too much work so I would rather split the work in half and give the other half of the work to my partner Gabriel, so he can also be part of the experience of editing the music video. Even though the music video was edited by Gabriel and me, this blog isn't about him but about my journey to editing the music video so let us get it started. All of the clips that were filmed for the music video were put in the editing app that I was using to edit which was CapCut, with all of the clips put together the video was over a minute long, it surpassed the limit of how long the music video should be, which is around a minute, but it wasn't anything I had to worry about because I could easily cut down the clips because in most of them when filming both of us took long pauses before and after the camera started to roll so then when people see the video, people wouldn't see weird cut-offs, so problem solved. It wasn't much of a hassle to edit but there was a point where I had a lot of trouble editing, so in the bedroom scene, there are three clips that are split, I had never edited that before so it was very troublesome to figure out how to make it happen. I will say it did give me headaches trying to figure out how I was supposed to make a split screen because I didn't know if CapCut even had the option to make a split screen, so I decided to watch some YouTube videos because I really needed help, turns out YouTube was the solution to my problem, so I was able to make the split screen, it does look pretty rough but at least I tried and I am proud of that. With that out of the way, the rest of the editing was smooth sailing, I had finally finished my portion of editing the music video, and the last thing to do was ask Gabriel if he finished his portion of editing it could be time to put together the whole video and make any last minute touches to the music video if needed. I can't wait to show the music video my team has worked so hard for. Well, that is it, goodbye for now!


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