CCR: Questions about my project

How does your product use or challenge conventions AND how does it represent social groups or issues? 

The way my product uses conventions is that it pictures the genre of friendship alongside using music to picture the genre. My product would show more of a story convention because it follows two people hanging out and becoming closer which each other, and the song will add to the story because the music choice suggests love even though the story itself does not show any romance between the two characters, it suggest that love can mean many other things such as creating strong bond between to people as friends. The way this represents social groups is because the video shows a circle of friends or rather just two friends and a way this can connect to an issue is that many people think that having a lot of friends is better than just one because it seems lame but in reality, it is better to have that one friend than many. The reason for this is that you can be yourself around one close friend and have so much fun with them rather than having many friends that do not care for you and can't really express yourself as much, rather than one friend that loves you and cares for you so much. That is what my project tries to reflect on the audience because the video shows the characters laughing and having the best time of their lives just the two of them, the video tries to give a lesson that even though it is one person you can create a great bond and love with them. 

How does your product engage with audiences AND how would it be distributed as a real media text? 

The way I feel my product engages with the audience is that the video shows a pair of people interacting as friends and hanging out as any couple of friends do, and anyone who is watching the video most likely has friends even if it is just one person. So, I believe that is how most of the audience would have a common trait to the video. The way my project would be distributed as a real media text is because it is a digital visual text, the reason for this is because it was filmed with technology which would be my iPhone, and was edited with an online app on my phone, not only that the way my project can be seen is because it was uploaded to a online streaming service, that is what makes it digital. My project was a music video which makes it visual, anyone could say it is just a listening type but when seeing the music video, the film shows a storyline between the two people in the video and then it has the music going alongside the video, the song itself can just be heard alone as interpreting love but when seeing the actors in the video interacting the audience can tell its not a romantic feeling but more of a friendship type of love. 

How did your production skills develop throughout this project?

My production skills for sure expanded through this project, more than I could've imagined. At first, I did not know the editing application I was using would let me do so much like making a half-screen or a cutaway. I did use the same editing application in my last project but I never had to incorporate different angles like I did in this project so I can say it was an experience to learn how to expand my editing technique for the next project I do. Through this project, I also learned to be more creative not only in expanding my editing skills but my filming skills too, I learned that there are different angles to film from and which ones are best to set the scene or even the mood, having the ability to experiment with filming with different angles was sure a fun experience. Seeing that I am not filming from an eye-level angle and I am doing other angles or shots such as a pan shot, tilt shot, establishing shot, tracking shot, low angle, and a high angle, makes the video seem more active rather than plain because there is a different view to each clip that I would like to say keeps the view interested because you see different angles of the surrounding area and with editing it sure does make a difference because when I was editing these clips and I was putting them in one frame I had to see what angles looked better because it wasn't like I could use a high angle next to a tracking shot, so it was fun to compare both clips with different views. 

How did you integrate technologies – software, hardware, and online – in this project? 

Well of course in this project there was a need for an object to film the video and the best way to do that was to bring my phone rather than a camera because uploading the footage to an eddeting app would be easier. Using my phone would also be a more convenient and transportable way to film because my phone was always on me rather than the camera because I would have to remember to bring the camera so if there was a day were I had to film and I forgot my camera, there wouldn't be a way to film rather than filming with a phone, there is no way I or anyone else filming could forget there phone. Besides talking about what I used to film the video the editing software I used was an application called CapCut, this app was used in another project so that's why I used the same application in this project because I had prior experience with the application so it made the process of editing the video and bringing it together more efficient and easier either if I was editing or my partner in the project.


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