My group for the Music Video
Hey there! I'm back and ready to write, so I want to start off by saying that I am very excited to start this new project, making a music video seems so fun and creative, and now knowing I don't have to work alone is going to be interesting, I feel that working with other people will have its pros. So to dive into this new project, I have decided that I will be working with three other people including myself, their names are Elizabeth, Gabriel, and Kason. The reason I chose those people is that I am friends with all of them and with more people helping out with the project the work wouldn't be so heavy on everyone because each of us is doing their part to help out with the project. In class, each of us made a list of artists that could be a good choice, after thirty minutes into it, there were ten artists on the list, but it did take us some time to narrow the list, in the end, Mac Miller was the artist each of us agreed upon, now the only thing to do was to choose a song from him. Congratulations and Blue World were the songs that everyone liked, so each of us had to listen to the song in our own time and then discuss which of the songs was a better fit for the project, at first Blue World was our choice but because it wasn't appropriate and I couldn't find a clean version of the song, the song was dropped and so Congratulations was going to be the song choice for the project, even though Congratulations does have curse words withing the song, luckily there was a clean version of it, so that problem was solved pretty quickly. The reason why Congratulations is also the best choice for the project, even though it was the backup song, is because the meaning behind the song is that "it is a beautiful representation of a man's true divine love for a woman", love can mean a lot of things and it doesn't always have to be romantic it can also mean platonic love, love can mean anything, so I proposed to make our video about friendship and how two acquaintances over time can grow closer to the point they care for each other so much in a friend way. I think this is a creative way because it's another point of view that many other people don't think of. Well, that's it for the meantime, so goodbye for now!
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