Production blog- Final touches
Hey there, so in my previous post, I solved my problem about a section of my commercial. That was dealt with and now I am very close to finishing my commercial, I don't want to say it is the best commercial ever because this is my first time editing and creating my own video, especially about myself but I will say I'm pretty proud of it. As of a day ago, I had my two pictures and two videos added to my commercial, I just added my last picture and video. The picture is of me with one of my martial arts friends from around two years ago, it was aster and we were helping out, even though I wasn't wearing my full uniform, in the photo that is what I usually use for training but for testing, I have a jacket that goes over it. Now the video which is not too long, the video shows what a regular day in the dojo would be like, I will usually be with the same person when training because I am comfortable with them. Seeing that I added all my pictures and videos I am missing the last part of my commercial so I can be finally done, the final piece would be the song that will play through the video. In my first or second blog, I mentioned that I wanted to add the song "In My Mind" by Lyn Lapid, but then thinking more about the song choice just didn't feel right so I changed it. I went with "Can't Feel My Face" by The Weeknd, the reason for this is that The Weeknd has been my favorite artist ever for years! So I thought "What better way to represent myself than by adding my favorite artist ever." If you were to ask anyone something about myself it would be my love for The Weekend and his music. Even though the song I added in isn't my favorite song of his, it is a song I really enjoy, not only that but the song lyrics are very lovey-dovey, and something about myself is that I love romance songs and some of his songs are like that talking about romance, so that's why I feel like I rather put in that song, because it relates to me more than than the previous song I wanted to add in. So when I was adding the song I had some trouble trying to snip and cut the song because it was too long. Not only that but when I was putting in the song I had to stop the song at one point because when the music stopped, the video of me singing with my peers was going to play, so you could hear me singing the song and then after I finished singing the music I chose would continue to play, I was stuck for a moment but I did reach out to my friend to help me how to add and cut a song. So now I have finally finished my commercial and can't wait to show you. Well, that's it for now, goodbye for now!
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